12 May

Above Floor Raceway
Above Floor Raceway non-metallic multi-channel surface raceway provides a solution to route, protect, and conceal data, voice, video, fiber optic and power cabling where access to core drilling is not an option.
- The four-channel design provides organization and structure for the routed cables, and the fast snap design allows for easy installation
- A full line of fittings provides the ability to configure the pathway in a variety of different ways
- The wall transition fitting provides an aesthetic transition from floor to wall, without the need for T-70 raceway
- The table leg provides a path from floor to a conference room table or desk that maintains separation of power and data through use of T-70 raceway design
- Above Floor Raceway is available in Black, Office Slate, and International White
- ADA Compliant - Meets American Disabilities Act in all 50 US States by design